Words are thoughts come to life. They are letters on a page that are worth nothing until given meaning. Words can be the simplest of things, but the hardest to say if they are true. One writes to understand and make sense of things. One writes to speak without having to be heard. One writes to remember. Writing gives one the courage to say the things that are wanted or needed to be said when that person does not have the courage or strength to speak them out loud. The written word is a mask that hides the man and keeps him safe so that he can speak his mind. The written word is very important in society. Men have devoted a great many of years to developing, studying, and understanding the written word. Words are all around us, they are a part of our everyday lives. For me personally, writing is my preferred form of expression and communication. When I write, I can say anything that I want. When I write I have all the time in the world to get my point across; I am not rushed and I do not have to fight to be heard. I can fix my errors and look over my words as many times as I need to, making sure all things are in order and correct. Writing is a time where I can be me and show my brilliance to everyone, without the fear of stumbling, as I tend to do when I speaking out loud.
Is it truly possible for a human being to write impartially? Human beings are filled with an unlimited range of emotion. Emotions that can go from being on the surface, to those that hit deep into the soul. We feel constantly and uncontrollably. We are passionate and have feelings that are ever-changing by influences of the world around us. I don’t believe that it is possible for a human being to truly write impartially. Human beings will always have an opinion or feeling towards the things surrounding them; and one cannot completely hide their true feelings. Without those feelings one is merely and working machine; a robot. One’s true feelings and emotions will always leak through.